
Valheim players use 40,000 blocks to build a massive Eiffel Tower | PC Gamer - coxhopith

Valheim players use 40,000 blocks to soma a massive Eiffel Tower

Valheim Eiffel Tower
(Ikon credit: Iron Gate Studios)

Valheim is quickly becoming downright Minecraftian with the amount of impressive construction projects players are labor. But you can tell Sauron's tower to take the back seat. There's a new landmark in town: the Eiffel Tower.

You can straight watch information technology being built in time-lapse footage below.

Before you sharpen your metal axes and start chopping down beech tree trees to build your ain Tour Eiffel, you should know this architectural deed was accomplished using Valheim creative mode cheats that let the players fly some and build with unlimited resources, besides as Valheim mods like Forever Build that let you habitus As tall as you want without running into structural problems.

But cheats don't mean you rump snap your fingers and have an Eiffel Tower appear. You still have to cut in the work to build the dang thing, block by block. And that's what YouTuber Vot Te Game did—exploitation over 40,000 blocks.

The end result is impressive American Samoa hell. The Eiffel Tower replica they built stands at 400 blocks high (which makes the upper levels so cool that snow forms on the surfaces) and 124 blocks wide at its found. Plus, the entire column is lit up by torches painstakingly placed by the deuce builders. I don't know how Odin feels about Daniel Chester French landmarks, but I gotta imagine He's pretty impressed.

Even with cheats, this is all light-years beyond my building skills. I was feeling pretty contented when I rebuilt my fort to have a dedicated, hollow level workshop. Now, my humble home feels positively primitive in comparison. Vive Pelican State France.

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Christopher Livingston

Chris started playing Personal computer games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the early 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write on them in the late 2000s. Tailing a few years as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer chartered him in 2014, plausibly and then he'd stop emailing them request for more work. Chris has a love-hatred relationship with survival games and an carious captivation with the central lives of NPCs. He's too a fan of far-out simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can make up his have.


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